Monday 14 April 2008


i guess nothing much happen for me today. life going normal as it can be,going to class,meet up some new friends and hang around with my buddy but yeah i got something to do tonight! which is study for my TCN quiz tomorrow evening. it's been tough in handling this subject. anyway as usual when it comes to quiz,mid term or finals,i'll go with some of my friends to make a study group to make my study going well. to be honest,i cannot be alone to study and face up my pc's and do all the revision. no,it's not going to happen for me.
in my point of view,doing a study group is very useful. you can change ideas and brainstorm every single person that have in the group. yeah it's BRAINSTORM,i guess everyone knows about this. you can generate your idea more instead of having it for yourself. study group going well for me indeed.

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